The Anatomy of The Profit & Loss Statement

The Anatomy of The Profit & Loss Statement

In this edition, we delve deep into the skeletal framework of the Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement—a critical financial document that, when structured properly, provides a transparent view of your business’s fiscal health. The artistry behind a well-crafted...
So, Should You Hire Your Wife?

So, Should You Hire Your Wife?

In the diverse landscape of small to medium-sized businesses, it’s not uncommon to find partners in life doubling as partners in business. Many entrepreneurs choose to involve their spouses or significant others in various roles, with a common choice being...
It’s All In The Numbers

It’s All In The Numbers

Today, we tackle the very backbone of your business: the numbers. The late business guru Peter Drucker is quoted for having said: “What gets measured gets managed.” Tony Robbins has reworded this to: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Exchanging the word...
Getting on the Same Page

Getting on the Same Page

Welcome to the fourth edition of “The Automated Millionaire” newsletter. In this issue, I want to clarify a fundamental aspect of our journey together. You, as my readers, are already masters of your craft. Your expertise in your respective fields, trades,...
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