Make Much More Money With Your Business Without Working Harder
Do you feel like you are working harder and harder, yet do not seem to get ahead? Does it seem like your business is busier than ever, yet you are not making any more money?
Then you need to learn the secrets that the best of businesses know.

You owe it to your community and your employees to make your business successful. You owe it to your family and loved ones to create sound profits so you can take well care of them. But most of all, you owe it to yourself to have the success that you have strived for and worked so hard and long for.
Far too many businesses are not doing too well.
Far too many businesses are struggling, operating with losses or perhaps even close to completely failing.
Far too many business owners are working too hard, too many hours and with too much stress. Their businesses may be busy, but they are not creating the results they should be creating.
You might be one of these business owners.
If you are, I have to give you some straight talk, or what we sometimes call, a little bit of tough love conversation: It’s probably your own fault!
Many of my clients started out with a small business in a trade they know how to do really well.
Word of mouth and good reports from clients grew their businesses and soon they had thriving businesses with more work, more sales and more income.
Iife was good, and they kept growing.
But then one day, they woke up realizing that while they were busier than ever, they were now not making any money. In fact they might have found them in a string of years of losing money.
Financial resources are running lower and lower, and they seem at odds with what to do about their businesses.
So, what do I mean, it’s probably your own fault?
Well, like most of us, you probably were not taught much about money or business in school. Perhaps you never even had a great mentor or example in a boss in a business you might have worked in in your early days. Most of us haven’t had this either.
So, from that perspective it isn’t your fault.
You weren’t taught this. You haven’t been privy to it through example or mentorship.
The good news is though, that most business problems can actually be solved.
The problems you have in your business was probably created by yourself (with help of course from your employees and team members). Oftentimes, it is lack of knowledge of good systems or ways of handling employees and productivity. It is often also exacerbated by of some lack of what I call; business acumen.
Rest assured, I’m not saying you are dumb. In fact, I would say all my clients (with extremely rare exceptions), are smart people with great minds. They are typically experts at their trade, and I have great respect for what they have created, but most of them lacked the right systems and insights to how run a business for better results.
What really would be your fault, would be for you to remain in this place of not achieving your desired results, working far too hard and perhaps even losing money. If you remain the same, you will get the same results over and over again.
If you remain creating poor results it really is your own fault. Don’t repeat the mistake, but change how you do things in your business, and you can soon create the right results.
We help you with the right tools, systems and the understanding that you need to get back to the good days and onwards to great results.
Who We Help
We help small and medium sized businesses from all sorts of industries.
You are the expert in your trade. We are the experts in optimizing businesses and getting greater results out of your efforts.
Can you really work less, work more easily and simultaneously making a lot more cash with your business?
Absolutely so, and we will show you how, so that you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
Service Companies
A lot of the businesses we help are operating in a service industry. These companies comes from all kinds of trade including, but not limited to, HVAC companies, Fencing Contractors, Concrete Services, Heating Oil, Tire Centers, Excavators, Trucking Companies and many, many more. The unique system we offer called The Automated Millionaire Business System, is amazingly well functioning for all such businesses.
Production Companies
Again our unique system, The Automated Millionaire Business System, is truly adept at helping production companies perform much better, both in terms of getting to be much better at generating much more cash, but also in terms of streamlining all production and obtaining much greater levels of effiencies. Past clients count a myriad of production companies of all kinds including rubber mold companies, CNC Machining businesses, and fabrication companies.
Any Industry
The strength of our unique business system is that it truly is non-industry specific. It’s a great Business System, and as I usually state, the business of business is business. You are probably already an expert at your trade, but what you probably lack (at least what most of our clients could use more of before they come to us, is better understanding of business dynamics and systems to get all employees aligned with efficient production and work flows, and that’s what we help them with. We provide you with greater understanding of business, so you can generate much more cash without having to work harder (in fact, you’ll be working less and less hard using our system, yet, generate greater results fast.
How We Work
Step 1
We start by going through a pre-qualification process. The reason for this is that we wish to ensure that you have every chance of not just making your investment back fast, but also to be able to turn your investment with us into an investment with a huge positive return (ROI = Return On Investment).
The process of pre-qualification is a quick questionnaire and upon positive outcome of that, we set up a call, during which you will speak with either Mikkel Pitzner himself, or one of our coaches.
Again, we collect and thrive on success stories, so we wish to ensure that we have the right fit and don’t waste your money and our time.
Our programs are very premier programs and come at a significant investment. We know the systems and methods we offer and teach work. The basis of the our framework has successfully been implemented in over 300,000 companies from all over the United States and Canada. We know it works, for we have followed the results gained from the implementation and subsequent running the businesses following the system, and we know also, from the 97-98% positive feedback obtained from clients.
When you follow the system diligently, it will work for your business too. So do not delay your results, but enroll and get your success now.
Step 2
Upon enrollment in our program you’ll have instant access to the membership site, which means that you can make avail of the lessons, insights and tools immediately. Our programs typically consist of both online courses (housed inside our membership platform), downloadable resources such as special reports and in some cases special proprietary tools that we ourselves use when we work with our own businesses or help other business owners with theirs.
The benefits of the online courses are many, but for one, these allow for easy access at any time you want, and allows you to revisit lessons that you feel you need to go over again or later revisit for a refresher.
We also via online platform can allow for certain instructions to be given to your personnel.
As you’ll learn we wish to incorporate the team members in our businesses to help make our businesses work and grow.
Our system and framework helps you get this set up and in motion, and the result is that you’ll be making more money and at the same time, you’ll have a much more efficiently operation and an easier avenue to run the business, even if you should choose to retire from the daily operations or choose to spend more of your time on other pursuits, while your business now provides much better results.
Step 3
In addition you’ll have invaluable access to the regular group coaching calls, which you will find immensely enlightening and valuable. This is where we may also look at specific challenges you are facing in your business for which you’ll like to have our personal help.
Mikkel Pitzner, The Automated Millionaire, will typically be conducting the group coaching calls himself personally. Mikkel quickly ranked in the Top-3 among more than 1,300 esteemed business consultants and business turn-around agents when he represented one of the largest and most successful business consulting companies here in the United States and Canada.
His background also includes being one of 3 equal partners in a business that quickly grew to country wide locations in Denmark, onwards to Sweden, Norway, and Germany, and which eventually was introduced with an initial public offering (IPO) becoming a publicly traded company.
All his adult life Mikkel has been involved in business and with businesses. The background is both vast and extensive, counting both several successful companies founded by Mikkel Pitzner, himself, partnerships, acquired businesses, participation on board of director levels and much more. The businesses have included mostly private companies, but also publicly traded companies. Spanning many countries, States,currencies, languages and cultures.
What Makes Us Different?
Instead of just selling you on fancy systems and neat little organizational changes, that may have some cloud to them, we focus on helping you MAKE MORE MONEY.
We have packaged up the important lessons, instructions, insights and tools in easy to follow and sensible sequence. Although we give you a lot, we are focused on what is really going to help you Make More Money, now and ongoing.
We don’t just give you lessons just because something is a “nice” way of doing things. No, we are focused on things you can implement NOW which have proven to provide speedy and positive results over and over again.
Our premier programs contain what we would have typically given to our clients when they would invest in our services to the tune of $250,000-750,000.
We have taken the framework of the system and optimized it and are now making it available to businesses utilizing efficient and cost-advantageous avenue, such as utilizing online platforms and adding to the equation the power of group coaching sessions.
Because we’re utilizing online platform to efficiently distribute and manage the content, insights and tools, and using platforms for group coaching and the like, your access comes at a much lower investment, yet you gain the benefit of the extra knowledge and tricks that are revealed to higher degree via group sessions, as opposed to one-on-one sessions.
When you have our signature program, The Automated Millionaire Business System. We ensure that you have a great opportunity to implement some of the insights quickly into your business, which should provide you with some very rapid results. Our programs come at some investment on your part, but we ensure that you should quickly be able to recoup your investment, and then from there build your return on your investment into something substantial.
Our method and system is easily implemented into pretty much any business of any industry. The great part about a system is that it’s repeatable and teachable. The basis of our system has proven its worth by successful outcomes as reported by over 300,000 clients over a 25 year span.
At The Automated Millionaire we have a “leave no-one behind” policy”. We want to ensure that all our clients are successful in their endeavor using our method and system, so you don’t just get an online course, you get full coaching along the way too.
Your success is our success. Only by providing you high quality and true results can we ourselves remain successful.
We collect success stories and hope that you will be our next one.
Enroll today!
When I worked with esteemed colleagues, back when I represented one of the largest and most successful private business consulting companies here in the United States and Canada, I quickly became one of the Top-3 consultants for results. Among both my colleagues and my clients, I was respected for not offering pie in the sky promises, but instead painted a very true image of what results clients could expect to gain from an engagement with me. Typically, I would end up over-delivering vastly, but I never wanted to sell anybody on something, that I just didn’t believe in myself, or sell them on a results, that I didn’t know with substantial certainty I could deliver upon.
When you apply for becoming a client with us, we go through a pre-qualification process together, so we can ensure there’s a good fit and that se can safely see that our method and system will be able to help you in your business.
If we are not convinced our programs, method or system can help you and make your investment with us come back to you with an attractive return, we simply will let you know, that we do not believe it’s a good fit. Perhaps we may even suggest you some other solution, that may not even be with us.
Ultimately though, do realize that as with all business, if you do not implement what we suggest and instruct you in, you probably will not see the results that we would like to see you achieve, and you will not realize the results you want. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.
The Automated Millionaire Podcast
Mikkel Pitzner, also known as The Automated Millionaire, has authored or co-authored 9 books so far, 8 of which became instant best sellers. You can see the titles below.

Get Mikkel Pitzner’s Chapter Contribution, “Millions On Automation”. Read about how sales in his business grew 3.5 fold in his first year, while the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) exploded 32 fold).

What Clients Are Saying…

A Rubber Mold Company
We are just so pleased with everything we have learned from Mikkel’s wealth of knowledge and are so happy to have made the decisions to have him come into our shop and save this thirty-five year business that may have collapsed in the near future. With our new abilities we have absolutely no doubt we will be prosperous within this next year and the future.

A Tile Company
I wanted to let you know that we were reluctant at first, but you have really opened our eyes to many flaws in our company. If it wasn’t for Mikkel working all hours of the day, studying our business to open our eyes to all the little line items that ended up being huge losses. Mikkel is a very bright and intelligent man, and he worked extremely hard in the little amount of time he had to help turn our business around to turn a profit.

An Appliance Business
The resulting efforts have totalled over $600,000 in recoverable income and savings we will see over the next 12 months. It is quite apparent that had I waited any longer to reach out, that my business would cease to exit in the near future.
Douglas Y.
Still Not Convinced?
Don’t leave empty-handed. Below you can get a special report that could help you quickly gain some improvements in your business.
This report comes at no charge at all.
Are You Making These 8 Mistakes?
Mistakes That Are Keeping You
From Having The Business You Always Wanted
And Robbing You Of Making The Money You Always Desired
I’ve helped hundreds of businesses and almost all of them were making one or more of these mistakes, and it was costing them millions of dollars until we fixed them.
And get this. The fix is actually an easy one to do.