We probably all heard about the men who absolutely will not ask for directions when driving a vehicle, even often if there are kind of lost. Many of us gentlemen recognize this in ourselves, although we may be hard pressed to admit it. We all can laugh at it and realize how foolish this actually may seem.

We probably all heard about the men who absolutely will not ask for directions when driving a vehicle, even often if there are kind of lost. Many of us gentlemen recognize this in ourselves, although we may be hard pressed to admit it. We all can laugh at it and realize how foolish this actually may seem.

However, it seems we often make the same mistakes in our businesses. Most of the times we will not ask for help with our business, even when we are struggling. This reluctance I find certainly with men, but also often with women.

I suppose we are too embarrassed to admit to others that someone the business has outgrown our current skills or expertise for running it profitably and efficiency. We would like to give the outside world the impression that we have things under control, when in fact sometimes we don’t.

Failure to reach out and seek knowledgeable guidance and help can, however, end up being very costly indeed.

With many clients we have seen over the course of time, there is a story that often repeats. It goes something like this: The founders and owners of the business have a great skill. Maybe they are excellent experts at HVAC, or plumbers, or fencing contractors, or concrete services or a myriad of services or even experts of products of some sort.

They started the business often by themselves or with a spouse. By great word of mouth by excellent service and quality provided, they soon grew and with growth they expanded to hire friends, family or outside employees. The vehicle park, equipment and possibly inventories grew also as more and more customers came to the business and for a while everything was quite good indeed. They were making good money and life was pretty good for a while.

A few years later. The business is now considerably bigger. Maybe they now have 15-25 employees, 15 service vehicles, larger facilities. They may still have a good amount of business, and they are now working harder than ever before.

But the profits have vanished. Cash has gotten really tight and they have already stretched out the payable and overextended themselves with all the loans and credit they possibly could obtain, let alone the money they poor into the business themselves or perhaps even had to borrow from the mother in law.

They are now working harder than ever before, but the results are terrible. There seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Things are getting really stressful, yet the thought of asking for help or reaching out to business experts does not cross their mind. Indeed, if the thought comes to them, they soon discard it, with “We can’t afford that anyhow!”

But the trouble is, they can’t afford NOT to do it.

By themselves, they do not know how to fix the situation. The business outgrew what they could oversee on their own. The lack systems and organization, tools, skills and know how to run a business of the new larger size.

It is not their fault. They did not go to school learning these things. They did not see how to from having employ themselves at well-run decent sized businesses. They probably didn’t read many books on the subject and they probably do not have a network of people from whom they gained valuable insights that could put them in a position to run their business efficiently.

It is not too late, though.

Well, often it is not too late. Many of the clients we have consulted over the years were in this exact position. They were literally facing bankruptcy or having to close up shop. Yet within weeks, by our guidance and in the trenches work with them and their teams, we were able to righten the ship and chart a course to get their business out of the rut and soon enough into profitability.

To boot, now even with their own insights and knowledge heighten that they should be well dressed to continue their venture on their own with their team continuing the path of profitability and continuous growth.

Yes, it is indeed an investment to get consultants to come in and help you. And yes, the expense can be considerable. The good ones come at a noticeable expense. But the return on such investment can be considerable.

Not just for the current year you are in, but also for all the subsequent years that you will continue to run your business, well in control of it, with new systems and knowledge how to and with your team educated and trained to be exactly what you and your business need.

And if you don’t get the help needed?

Well, statistics demonstrates an exorbitant amount of businesses going under. Often quoted numbers indicate that 90% of businesses do not make it till year 5, and another 90% of those that make it till year 5, won’t make it another 5 years. I know, these quoted numbers seem unreal. Fact of the matter is that too many businesses just do not make it.

Do NOT Become part of this statistics.

Madison Ventures is run by business experts. We know how to successfully implement necessary changes and run profitable business. We know because we have been there and done that. We come with vast experience having founded and run several businesses, having lived through the fair share of failures, but also enjoyed the successes, and who have gathered the knowledge and expertise of how you run businesses successfully. And to boot, we know more also, because we stand on the shoulders of giants.

We have help many companies and their owners, turning their failing businesses around to successes and profitability. Humbly speaking, the experiences are life changing.

Naturally, we hope your business may not be in such dire straits are described above, but understand that many of our cases have been exactly those kind of scenarios. We have also helped several businesses, that actually did really well, but who still needed some help in getting to that next level.

So whatever the case may be for your current state of affairs, we can help you and your team achieve more. More growth. Higher levels of efficiencies. More Profits.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve the next milestone or goal you are looking for.

Don’t put this off any further. Email us at info@theautomatedmillionaire.com

We probably all heard about the men who absolutely will not ask for directions when driving a vehicle, even often if there are kind of lost. Many of us gentlemen recognize this in ourselves, although we may be hard pressed to admit it. We all can laugh at it and realize how foolish this actually may seem.


This phrase is often attributed to Isaac Newton who wrote to philosopher and polymath Robert Hooke in 1676, “What Descartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, and especially in taking the colors of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”

But Newton did not originate the thought. The earliest recorded reference is by 12th century theologian John of Salisbury in his treatise on logic, Metalogicon (1159) in which he references philosopher Bernard of Chartres saying that, “we stand like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants.” The full quote goes something like this:

“We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.”

Bernard de Chartres, who died about 1130, was a humanist and philosopher and head of the Cathedral school of Chartres. To this day a visual reference to the shoulders of giants can be seen in the south rose window of the cathedral which shows the four major prophets – Jerimiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel as giant figures, and on their shoulders sit the much smaller figures of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The visual image in the stained glass window, which was installed about a century after Bernard’s death, maybe coincidental to Bernard or directly connected, we will never know; but it is not the only window of the period to show a similar scene, which include the famous rose window of Notre Dame de Paris.

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