I love learning all the time and I make specific efforts and time allocations for to learn more every day. I have enjoyed learning from great mentors and also coaches and I have been very fortunate to have been working with, trained by and engaged in activities and projects with some of the greatest thinkers and thought leaders – names of whom you probably recognize to great extent.

What I have found is that coaches can help you achieve your results in a much faster way than you more than likely would on your own. Using coaches helps you clarify your own thoughts and focus on what steps you need to take next and what you should or should not pay attention to.

Since I have amble experience of carrying out business on so many levels and with such a wide variety of industries, sizes of companies, companies in different countries etc., I have often been sought out for my advice and expert insights. That’s how I have not only help make really significant differences in businesses of many great individuals and companies. I might mention the multiple world champion free diver, who took my advice and made his business take flight to whole other levels, implementing my ideas and seeing the real results in as little as three week after our discussion. His business is flying higher and higher now sparked by some of the insights that I was able to give him.

I might also mention a specialized diamond trader whom I have helped with insights and specialized knowledge on strategy and not least advice for the marketing efforts. She is making real results carving out her own fame to almost celebrity status and a source to go to for anything on diamonds, especially investment diamonds or custom made diamond jewelry.

There are several ways of obtaining my coaching, but let me mention 5 of them here:

  • You can insights to some of my ideas, that I know have worked well for me in my businesses and personal achievements and that have worked well for those I have had the pleasure of coaching and advising over the years, through my books and my newsletters
  • You can hire me on a consultancy basis as a number of other companies have done
  • You can hire me for a position on your board of directors
  • A more powerful way is to engage me as a personal coach for you or your business. This route can prove extremely powerful for you
  • And then there is the Mastermind. Masterminding has to me proven to be a very, very powerful route that really fires up your mind and new ideas are created that really can be the trigger you have needed for your business and results to take off.

Whether coaching,consultancy, mentoring or masterminding these processes can enable both individual and corporate clients to achieve their full potential. The processes can include some of the following:

  • Facilitate the exploration of needs, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes to assist the individual in making real, lasting change.
  • Use questioning techniques to facilitate client’s own thought processes in order to identify solutions and actions rather than takes a wholly directive approach
  • Support the client in setting appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress in relation to these goals
  • Observe, listen and ask questions to understand the client’s situation
  • Creatively apply tools and techniques which may include one-to-one training, facilitating, counseling & networking.
  • Encourage a commitment to action and the development of lasting personal growth & change.
  • Maintain unconditional positive regard for the client, which means that the coach is at all times supportive and non-judgemental of the client, their views, lifestyle and aspirations.
  • Ensure that clients develop personal competencies and do not develop unhealthy dependencies on the coaching or mentoring relationship.
  • Evaluate the outcomes of the process, using objective measures wherever possible to ensure the relationship is successful and the client is achieving their personal goals.
  • Encourage clients to continually improve competencies and to develop new developmental alliances where necessary to achieve their goals.
  • Work within their area of personal competence.
  • Possess qualifications and experience in the areas that skills-transfer coaching is offered.

So again, to commence:

  • 1. Fill out my questionnaire for a free strategy session here: Free Strategy Session Questionnaire. (right click to download, fill out and return to email below)
  • 2. Email your completed questionnaire to me at: mp@theautomatedmillionaire.com.
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