Tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Or even worse. Are you finding too many days left in the month at the end of your paycheck?
Or if you are indeed making a great deal of money are you having a life? Do you have time to enjoy the good things around you? Your children and your spouse? Do you get to take leisurely travels or spend your days on other things than just constantly working and slaving away?
Is your health and love life to your liking and your stress levels at a sound level?
Far too many people are struggling with poor finances always struggling to meet the expense of even just the bare necessities. Far too many people including some who on the surface may appear successful and may have a decent income far too often don’t have the lifestyle they would really like.
The Automated Millionaire shows you the way to the lifestyle of your dreams. The Automated Millionaire shows you the way to acquiring the income that you always wanted, but also the way for you to have a lifestyle that is not just all work and in which you will not have time for vacation, family, other interests and hobbies.
Behind The Automated Millionaire program you find an international entrepreneur. A Serial and Multiple Entrepreneur Extra-Ordinaire who has tried most things, has experienced loads of failures and some successes. A person who grew up rich, but not spoiled. A person who struggled a lot through out childhood and early adolescence on many levels. A person who met with many obstacles and set backs. A person who got incredible results and built up great fortune. A person who suffered great financial loss going from being the riches he ever experienced to owing way more away than he was worth in a span of less than 6 months, who managed to get results back in just a couple of years finally reaching a point of being completely debt-less for the first time since he was 14.
He has had to re-invent himself more than once and he has had to dig himself out of a hole more several times. He has had experiences across many industries and spanning many countries. He has been involved in all kinds of businesses and have dealt with diverse range of products and services.
His first business was commenced with 100% borrowed money and he grew the profit line by 32 times in just 14 months. He ran successfully a leading company in his home country for 14 years on remote control and only set foot in it physically possibly a total of 60 days.
He has helped others triple their income within 3 weeks and establish a business and a client base going from 0 to more than 3,000 in less than half a year.
He has been featured on CNBC, abc, CNN Money, Entrepreneur, Fox News, CBS News, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Smart Money, USA Today, NBC, The Brian Tracy Show and many, many other programs. He’s an accomplished author and co-author with currently 9 books behind him, 8 of which went to instant best seller status.
A Danish citizen presently residing in the United States. An engaged entrepreneur always with many projects and challenges. A professional board member for small and larger businesses including many privately held companies and a few publicly traded companies. Father of two fantastic children. Triathlete and avid photographer and highly skilled exploration diver. Philanthropist and Dreamer Extraordinaire.
He is Mikkel Pitzner.