What’s The #1 Thing Everyone In The World Wants?

Can you answer that? What does everyone want so desperately? I believe that the answer, quite simply, is:


They want more success at work.

They want more happiness. 

They want more passion in their relationships.

They want more money. More energy. More productivity. More meaning.

Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right?

Well, to get more, people need to activate their full potential.

They need to hit a higher gear and become high performers at whatever they do. They have to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful.

But it’s not easy. And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.

Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the economy keeps getting better they’ll simply be left behind.

So think about YOUR life.

Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential, and successful as you want to?

Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers?

Have you reached a plateau in your progress and struggled to breakthrough to the next level of joy, power, and achievement?

Have you gotten tired of being at the same level of success and happiness for too long? Do you miss the pulse and vibrancy of growing and contributing at your highest levels?

Let’s hop on the phone and see if I can help you. To begin, and to see if you qualify, just follow these instructions right now:

I can help you.

My name is Mikkel Pitzner, and I’m one of 200 elite Certified High Performance Coaches™ in the world. If you have just 20 minutes to fill out a questionnaire, then I’d like to teach you:

    • How the world’s most accomplished and influential people THINK
    • Why you’ve been so exhausted (and what to do about it immediately)
    • Why most people FAIL at managing their time and day
    • The #1 secret you MUST follow to have more INFLUENCE with people
    • How to define your purpose, get rid of distraction, and FINALLY gain momentum in life

I know you’re trying to succeed more and just keep everything together, so I want to teach you six simple principles you can use to better master your mind, body, and ability to be more productive and persuasive.

These strategies will completely change
how you feel, manage your day, and influence others.

I want to give you the exact strategies and questions the world’s most accomplished and influential people use to manage their emotions, schedule their days, persuade others, and keep their passions and purpose clear and alive. Knowing these will transform your life.

And, frankly, if you’re not following the six principles I’ll teach you, then it’s almost impossible to get ahead these days. I’m telling you all this because I’d like to help you right away.

If it’s your time for a dramatic change and rapid advancement in your personal and professional life, then I’d like to work one-on-one with you to break through your barriers and help you reach your highest potential and performance in all you do.

Fill out my questionnaire for a free strategy session here: Free Strategy Session Questionnaire.

I’m looking forward to working with you.

Let’s make this your breakthrough year.


Mikkel Pitzner, CHPC

Certified High Performance Coach™


Once I review your application and determine you’re a right fit, I will schedule a free one-on-one consult with you. Yes, really – I’ll help you for free on this one.

Again to commence:

Fill out my questionnaire for a free strategy session here: Free Strategy Session Questionnaire.


This year I’m doing something I have never done before. Ever!! I’m making a special Black Friday Offer available to the first 10 people that signs up for this High Performance Coaching Program.

Here’s what the special offer entails:

The normal High Performance Program runs 12 months with 12 sessions (one session per month) and has an investment of $24,000 for the year.

To make this Special Black Friday Offer a no-brainer for you, I’m slashing the price in half AND I’m doubling the amount of sessions to two a month. In other words, you get 24 sessions for just $12,000. That’s 75% off the normal rate, or just 25% of the normal rate.

But please note, as stated this offer is just for the first 10 people. Once these 10 slots have been fulfilled, then the price goes back up.

I’m making this special offer in consideration of the notorious Black Friday, but more than that, I’m also honoring those who act fast. Clients who can act fast usually makes the best clients too. They are typically more determined and more committed to making the results happen, which means they typically take guidance better and more constructively than others who oftentimes end up stopped in their tracks by paralysis by analysis.

I want you to achieve your goals and you, the fast actor, have more chances and better success rates at doing so. It makes my task easier and makes for more successful outcomes of the coaching program, so we both win.

You would still need to qualify (please send in the Free Strategy Session questionnaire).

Payment is due in full upon on acceptance into the program (will be determined within 24 hours following receipt of the returned questionnaire). If you need a payment plan, please discuss this with me during our initial call. Payment can be made by credit card or by wire transfer.

All sessions are conducted by phone. You should expect the potential of some homework when deemed this will help you further along to reaching your desired results and goals. Once calls are scheduled, they are scheduled. Should you absolutely need to reschedule a call, then please allow for 72 hour notice and I will make the reschedule happen. Please understand that no shows to a scheduled call forfeits the call, and that no substitute call will be offered.

Again, if you wish to make use of the best High Performance Coaching Offer I have ever presented, then grab this opportunity now, at a small investment of $12,000 for 24 sessions (2 a month over the course of the next 12 months) and let’s make your goals for 2020 come to fruition. Only 10 slots available at this rate and offer expires December 1st at midnight EST.

Again to commence:

Fill out my questionnaire for a free strategy session here: Free Strategy Session Questionnaire.




About Your Coach

Mikkel Pitzner, originally from Denmark, where he started his entrepreneurial journey from early adulthood, entering into car rental business from the initial hire as an airport car rental assistant, working his way up to become the CEO of the business at the young age of 25. He helped grow this business to become the fourth largest car rental company in the country operating thousands of vehicles and several locations throughout Denmark and in excess of 200 employees.

A few years following his commencement with the car rental company he purchased the largest corporate limousine sservice company in Denmark. In the initial year of his ownership he more than tripled the revenues and increased the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) by an astounding 32 fold.

He has run businesses in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany and the United States. Thus spanning multiple countries and continents, multiple languages and cultures and currencies.

One of the businesses had its IPO (became a publicly traded company) in 2018 at which point he exited the company.

He has served on numerous boards of directors (private as well as publicly traded companies) in multiple industries.

In the United States and Canada he has personally consulted more than 50 companies from all kinds of industries, often turning almost bankrupt companies around in matters of few months

He is also the co-author of and author of 9 books, 8 of which became Best Sellers.

He has been featured on CNBC, abc, CNNMoney, Entrepreneur, Fox News, CBS News, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, FastCompany, SmartMoney, USA Today, NBC, The Brian Tracy Show, America’s PremierExperts, Amino TV, The Secret Entourage, Money For Lunch, Fort Lauderdale Magazine, Børsen, Berlingske Tidende, Erhvervsbladet, Näringsliv

Mikkel is still active with several companies and still consults, coaches and mentors businesses, business owners and high performers. Through his brand of The Automated Millionaire, he offers several online training programs and special services.

His greatest focus is to help business owners and their teams achieve superior results, so as to transform the lives and livelihoods of his clients and students.

Mikkel Pitzner As Seen On:

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